Kenn just found out he will be transfered to Portland, OR at the end of Januay. We are going to be in our new place by Jan 30th. We are not changing our cell phone numbers so you will still be able to reach us without having to go through the big hassle of remebering another number.
We are looking to move on the Vancouver, WA side of the river and Kenn will drive across each day.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Thursday, December 08, 2005

Another month has almost past and no new news. Jennifer, Quentin and myself are all doing fine.
Jennifer and I attended the Boston vs Colorado Hockey game last night. Of course I was cheering for Boston(even though they traded Thorton - boneheads) and Jennifer

for Colorado. Just like most of their season, the Bruins looked horrible and lost 4-1. The seats were great at least, we sat in VIP club level (one of the vendors I work with gave us the tickets).
Friday, November 18, 2005
Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Another month has passed.
Fall is finally here. These are some pictures taken last weekend of Jennifer and Quentin playing in the leaves. The last of Quentin’s soccer pictures have been added also.
October was a fairly good month. Quentin finished up soccer on the 30th. He finished with quite a few goals this season. Now that soccer is over we are going to really concentrate on skating. I have put him on inline skates and he is

Jennifer is doing equally as good. She is still teaching preschool at Parker Landing in Aurora. This takes up the majority of her time and enjoys the weekends off at least. She has made it to every soccer game and practice, making her the ultimate soccer mom. We are going on a Canyoneering trip November 11,12, and 13th to Blue John Canyon in Eastern Utah. This is the

I am staying busy with work, hockey and weekend photography. The job is going well and we forecast our departure sometime in spring. We are hoping to make it in Denver until Quentin is out of school. When we do eventually make it back to the West Coast, we are going to do a road trip and swing by to see everyone in Southern California. We will let you know the details when

I have started a new hockey team on Sunday nights and we are doing very well so far. The photography business is taking off and the weekend schedule is starting to book up quickly. I have taken several studio portraits, a couple of weddings, and family location portraits for different families and friends. Finally the money is starting to come in to offset some of the equipment that has recently been purchased.
This is our non-exciting month in review.
Monday, October 10, 2005

Quentin did an incredible job playing soccer again. He scored the first goal of the game for the Bulls. He was almost at half field charging to the goal when he became swarmed by the other team. He gave the ball a huge kick and it got nothing but net. If you look at the pictures under “Quentin’s soccer pictures” you will see the 3 pictures of his goal and congratulations from other teammates.

Quentin, Jennifer and I piled into the car and drove to Evergreen and found the perfect wall to repel off of. Someone else had the same idea; they left 2 embedded anchors behind. After testing the anchors to make sure they would hold our weight, we were off.

Monday, September 19, 2005
Last weekend of the summer
Quentin is back in soccer. He is playing for the same team he was last spring, the Bulls. So far this year they have played two games and have dominated both of them, winning this past Saturday 8-6. Quentin is quite the ball handler and scores at least one goal every game. Jennifer and I get to go to every game and I, of course take pictures with the new Canon 20d with a 75-300 telephoto. If you look to the right you will see a tab for Quentin’s Soccer Pictures, click on it an you will see up to date pictures from his games. I will add pictures every week as I take them.
I wanted the summer road bike riding to go out with a bang, do something I have never done before, a long hill climb. I decided to ride Mt. Evans road, the highest paved road in North America. There are many options on where to start. You can either start in Idaho Springs (27 miles one way) or Evergreen (32 miles one way) for the common rides to the top, or you can opt for the Dave “Crusher” Strunk and start from Denver which makes it a 60-70 mile one way trip. I was under a time crunch and didn’t feel I was in that good of shape, so I started from Echo
Lake, which makes it a 14.25 mile one way ride. One of my riding buddies, Jason UL and I set out from my house in Denver around 7 am and were at the lake around 8:30 or so. The lake sits at 10,600 ft above sea level and is the beginning of the Mt. Evans road off of Highway 103. The road is a well-maintained due to the fact you have to pay to use it. Jason and I started out at
9am slowly climbing the road towards the top. I stopped several times to document the trip with my camera. When we made it to summit lake (mile 9.5), we were please to find the road
closed to cars beyond that. This was great news to us, we had the road all to ourselves. As we pushed on we got to the last grueling part, the final switchbacks. They were steep and the wind was blowing making it cold (I would guess in the 40* range). Finally, 2 hours after we started, we made it to the top of Mt Evans. It was by far the longest, most grueling hill climb I have ever done. With an average speed of 7 mph, I have GREAT respect for the men of the Tour De France who could of
maintained an average speed of close to 20 mph cranking up that hill.
It took us 2 hours to climb, and around 25 minutes to descend, passing cars going along the way.
Quentin is back in soccer. He is playing for the same team he was last spring, the Bulls. So far this year they have played two games and have dominated both of them, winning this past Saturday 8-6. Quentin is quite the ball handler and scores at least one goal every game. Jennifer and I get to go to every game and I, of course take pictures with the new Canon 20d with a 75-300 telephoto. If you look to the right you will see a tab for Quentin’s Soccer Pictures, click on it an you will see up to date pictures from his games. I will add pictures every week as I take them.

It took us 2 hours to climb, and around 25 minutes to descend, passing cars going along the way.
Monday, September 05, 2005
The last 3 day weekend of the summer....
Thursday we thought we would be in for just the normal 3 day weekend. Wow, were we wrong. It started out by hearing the great news that our super close friends the Schmidt's, TJ and Alexandra, were proud new parents. We got to go see them at the Hospital and it was really exciting. Congratulations to the Schmidt Family. You can read about their adventure at http://aschmidtlife.blogspot.com/
Earlier we had made the decision to go camping with Quentin and the dog, again, an adventure. Click on the " Q's first camping trip" to the right and read all about it.
Thursday we thought we would be in for just the normal 3 day weekend. Wow, were we wrong. It started out by hearing the great news that our super close friends the Schmidt's, TJ and Alexandra, were proud new parents. We got to go see them at the Hospital and it was really exciting. Congratulations to the Schmidt Family. You can read about their adventure at http://aschmidtlife.blogspot.com/
Earlier we had made the decision to go camping with Quentin and the dog, again, an adventure. Click on the " Q's first camping trip" to the right and read all about it.
Monday, August 22, 2005

About half way through their was a wreck which happend right in front of us, other than that it was a pretty normal race and exciting to watch.
225 laps and 2 hours later, the race was over and the four of us were on our way back to Denver.
Saturday, August 20, 2005

Well, it is that time of the year again, When kids get to go back to school. I don't miss that feeling of coming off of summer vacation and going back to school. Quentin does not care too much for the feeling either.
Jennifer started her new job back in May after Quentin was out of school. She works at "Parker Landing Child Dev Center " in Aurora. She is one of two teachers in the preschool. Quentin went to the 1st-5th grade class this summer and it was good for him to interact with the other kids.
Jennifer and I decided that for his last day of summer break, we would take him to Six Flags

The morning started with the Light Rail Ride into the park. We got there at 10am just in time for the park to open. We started out with Quentin taking his first metal roller coaster ride. He was a little shocked at the speed and the loops but he eventually warmed up to them and went on everyone he could. Elitches has a lot of rides that have the Batman theme to them, so Quentin was in Heaven.

After riding many "spin you around until you throw up" rides, Jennifer and I decided to call it quits right around 5pm.
Quentin said he had a great time and was looking forward to the next day, his first day of school.
Monday, July 11, 2005

Every year Kiewit puts on a family day. Family day is geared towards the kids so they can ride the heavy equipment safely. Kiewit puts seats on the equipment for the kids to sit in, and then operates the equipment so the kids can see exactly how it works and what it feels like.

At family day he road along on a excavator and water truck. He was super eager to get back for the face painting. Luckily, she was still there when we got back. She had a large board to choose different designs. Quentin passed up Spiderman and batman. Both Jennifer and I were amazed with want he wanted……

Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Extended Weekend - July 4th
The weekend started off a little rocky. Friday Quentin had to have a tooth pulled because of an odd blister/infection that had formed on Thursday afternoon. All went well though and he was a brave little guy. We got our new cell phones Friday, if you would like the number feel free to email me at Kennhallquist@yahoo.com , I will give you Jennifer's or mine. Friday night my Dad flew into town and so the family and I piled into the car on Saturday and drove to Evergreen. Quentin got the spoil treatment from the grandparents which included lots of sugar, and the super soaker water battle. After spending much of the day there we headed home.
Sunday night Jennifer and I attended the 80's hairband, Whitesnake. We had pretty good seats, 15 rows from the stage. Whitesnake was very popular when Jennifer and I were in High School, and we both listened to them quite a bit. The show was great, and the people who showed
up were almost as interesting. It made Jennifer and I realize one thing, we are getting old. The night of the 4th we went next door to our neighbors house where he had brought back some amazing fireworks from Missouri. We had a picnic type dinner and watched as fireworks were launched for hours.
That was our 4 day weekend to start July off, hopefully the month is just as fun….
The weekend started off a little rocky. Friday Quentin had to have a tooth pulled because of an odd blister/infection that had formed on Thursday afternoon. All went well though and he was a brave little guy. We got our new cell phones Friday, if you would like the number feel free to email me at Kennhallquist@yahoo.com , I will give you Jennifer's or mine. Friday night my Dad flew into town and so the family and I piled into the car on Saturday and drove to Evergreen. Quentin got the spoil treatment from the grandparents which included lots of sugar, and the super soaker water battle. After spending much of the day there we headed home.

up were almost as interesting. It made Jennifer and I realize one thing, we are getting old. The night of the 4th we went next door to our neighbors house where he had brought back some amazing fireworks from Missouri. We had a picnic type dinner and watched as fireworks were launched for hours.

Monday, June 27, 2005

The project. The reason we are in Denver right now is because of Kenn's work. He is currently an engineer on a 1.4 Billion Dollar Freeway Expansion Project. He is working in the drainage discipline trying to solve the freeway water problems. The project is starting to wrap up and we hope to be moving by the end of the year. Our next destination is currently unknown, but we know it should (99% chance) be on the West Coast somewhere. The top photo is looking East at the interchange of I-25 and I-225. The bottom photo is looking North up I-25 at the Yale Street overpass.
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