Well, it is that time of the year again, When kids get to go back to school. I don't miss that feeling of coming off of summer vacation and going back to school. Quentin does not care too much for the feeling either.
Jennifer started her new job back in May after Quentin was out of school. She works at "Parker Landing Child Dev Center " in Aurora. She is one of two teachers in the preschool. Quentin went to the 1st-5th grade class this summer and it was good for him to interact with the other kids.
Jennifer and I decided that for his last day of summer break, we would take him to Six Flags

Elitch Gardens. I went to this amusement park many times when I was a teenager, in fact Ray (my brother) worked there for one of his very first jobs. It has changed over the years but Quentin had a blast. Quentin is fortunate, he is very tall for 7 years old (50.5"), so he was only turned away from 3 rides.
The morning started with the Light Rail Ride into the park. We got there at 10am just in time for the park to open. We started out with Quentin taking his first metal roller coaster ride. He was a little shocked at the speed and the loops but he eventually warmed up to them and went on everyone he could. Elitches has a lot of rides that have the Batman theme to them, so Quentin was in Heaven.

We got to see the Batman stunt show and he even got to meet the characters afterwards.
After riding many "spin you around until you throw up" rides, Jennifer and I decided to call it quits right around 5pm.
Quentin said he had a great time and was looking forward to the next day, his first day of school.