We were looking for a “non-crowded” camping trip this time around. We loved the coast so much in May, we decided to look there again. We had been looking at a visit

to Shi Shi Beach/Point of Arches area. It is a long haul to this spot, taking almost 7 hours. We put it on the back burners until the perfect weekend. We spoke to the rangers last time we went camping, and they told us to try Toleak Point and

then Shi Shi Beach. We took their advice and scheduled Shi Shi Beach for the July 4th weekend. To our surprise, the latest backpacker magazine came out featuring our July 4th destination on the front cover. We thought we were going to be among a sea of tents, but we were wrong. There were less people than there were at Toleak Point. To see the whole trip and read about the most amazing beer story ever, click on “Shi Shi Beach” to the right.