The end of summer has come and gone. It was a good 3 day weekend and as always, too short. It started with Quentin's first soccer game. He played very well and his team won, 3-2. He is now playing on the big field so there is a lot of running for him which wears him out very quickly. After the game, we decided to go fishing. I caught 3 Nenue which we had them for dinner that night, fresh fish is the only way to go. Jennifer cooked them on the grill and they were good eating as always.
Lobster season in Hawaii is any month with an "R" in it. So lobster

season began Monday. Lobster catching is a night time sport and yo go out with a underwater light and look for them. When you find one, you pounce on it and grab it. They are spinney lobster and have no claws, but the spines on their back can cut you if not wearing gloves. I got 1 big one and 2 little, the little are still good size being around 6-8 oz tails. We pulled the tails and they are in our freezer waiting to be eaten. The weekend was good and we are looking forward to future lobster eating/hunting.
The bottom picture is an example of

Quentin's Hawaiian Hand Sling. He has been doing a good job getting fish. He will swim with the sling loaded (in the picture it is loaded) and spear fish. It takes talent to get this down and Quentin has been doing a great job with it, getting fish every time he is out.