Mid Month Post:
Can you believe that I am actually posting mid month. Nothing exciting has been going on. Jennifer is still working making jewelry and she is starting to get a stockpile. When she gets enough stock she will start the online store so she can start selling. She also has been working wonders with Indie. I didn't realize how well behaved our dog is until you get around others that aren't. Jennifer has done an amazing job with her.
Quentin is doing well. He got hit new laptop for school and you can't pry it from his hands. Jennifer and Q got summer passes for the local water park so they have been going regularly to have some fun in the sun.
Me, well, still working long hours. Have a big job bidding the 6th of August. Wish me luck, this could be the one that takes us back to Kauai in Feb. I started the next quarter of school, have 2 exciting classes (there was a severe sarcasm undertone in there if you didn't hear it). I have also been riding the road bike a lot hoping to compete in a race around the island September 6th. We will see, 112 miles is a long way. Currently we live at the top of a pretty substantial hill, almost 3 miles. To ride to work takes me about 10-12 minutes. The picture below is what speed I hit coming down the hill this morning. The computer captures what your max speed is during the ride. This is 3 mph faster than I have ever gone before.
I would love to break 50 mph but it starts getting a little sketchy with cross winds and cars.