Friday, July 09, 2010

Here are some helmet camera views from our zion trip. This was my first experience with the camera and learned some valuable tips. Hopfully the next trip will produce better video.

This is the first repel in Birch Hallow Canyon. This is about a 60 ft repel.

The last technical canyon we did was Spry. This was a great canyon and had 13 raps in it. Below are a couple of the repels we encountered.

Great repel into a narrow, dark canyon. This repel was about 45 ft.

Repel number 5, 80 ft.

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Want to know what it looks like on a 120 ft repel? This is a helmet camera on a repel in Mystery Canyon, Mystery Spring Repel. It was taken on our trip there (Zion Natioanl Park) in June 2010.