Quentin has finished his WASL (State of Washington schools required test the students must pass to make it onto the next grade) and he feels he did very well on it. We will not get the results until the end of the school year. Quentin has finished his spring soccer season and is ready for his next sport for the summer. He has expressed interest in Basketball and Lacrosse.
Jennifer is doing very well. She has been working incredibly long hours at work. She is looking

Work for me has been going well. I am going to have my big push this summer and will be done with my portion of this job this fall. Jennifer is hoping Kiewit gets another job in the Northwest so I can get transferred to it. We all have taken a liking to the Northwest, the rain isn’t so bad. Hockey season is coming to a close next weekend, we made the playoffs and are playing next weekend for the championship. I have also been biking a lot lately, both road and mountain.

Our next big trip comes over the 4th of July weekend; we are going camping out to the coast again. The following weekend after the camping trip, we are heading to New York for my little

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