After we got back, Quentin graduated 5th grade and is on his way to 6th, he is getting big as you can see from the picture with my mom, he is taller than her. Jennifer is making jewelry out of seaglass and silver rope. She has been taking classes at a local bead store and has been making jewelry non-stop. She has been to the store so much, they offered her a job and she accepted it. Now she will be able to take as many classes as she wants for free.
Indie is doing well, she is growing so big and has been going to the beach on a daily basis. She is doing so well swimming. Quentin and Jennifer throw the frisbe and she will go after it until she can barely stand. She even goes out and wont let them swim, she will pull either of them back in to the beach when they go out, great dog.
As for me, I am finishing the first class towards my masters and looking forward to the next couple of classes. Still planning on graduating in the spring of 2011. Work has been going well, still in the office estimating.
In a nut shell, that is what has been going on the last couple of months.

Pictures from top to bottom:
Quentin in front of Mile High Stadium
Quentin found the Bronco Fan
Jennifer, Rebekah, Tad, Q and I in Silverthorn
Q and grandma Hallquist
Me at Rocky Mountain National Park
TJ, Alex and Ava Rocky Mtn National Park
Tad and Brandon at teh Pizza Parlor, Catalina
Q and Brandon Biking on Catalina
Brandon and Q at Disneyland
Quentin's dance at school
Quentins crazy hair day for school
Jennifers braclet
Indie sleeping in the doggy pool
Indie saying please for a treat
Indie at the beach and pulling in Quentin from swimming
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